Overtollige warmte uit industriële processen wordt zoveel mogelijk hergebruikt, maar een deel gaat als restwarmte via koeltorens de lucht in. Dat kost ook de nodige energie aan pompen en ventilatoren. Het omzetten van restwarmte uit koeltorens naar elektriciteit kan...
By the end of October is the annual OTEC conference. It will be held at the University of Delft (day 1) and parallel at the Off Shore exhibition in the RAI (day 2) Arteq Power will present a vision on the market and the technological progress of the last year in the...
Arteq Power has formalised a cooperation with Enogia to optimise the OTEC cycle and the turbine. The purpose is that also small term-erasure and pressure differences can efficiently be transformed in electrical power. The French company Enogia specialises in ORC...
In Boras, close to Gotheborg, the first OTEC for Africa conference was held. It was also the first moment to present the Archisol concept tot the OTEC community. Several parties showed interest and asked to be informed of future developments. All speakers agreed on...
OTEC, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, is a technology developed to exploit a part of the 70% of the solar power that falls on the ocean. The next figure gives an impression of the area’s where it is applicable.